domingo, 25 de outubro de 2020

A viajante mental (de Alma Welt)

Viajei pelo mundo em minha mente
Por muitas nações e em alguns séculos,
E quando o fiz bem mais restritamente
Apenas os confrontei com meus espéculos:

Eram bem menos reais e interessantes
Aquelas ruas e pedras milenares
Contrastando com pedestres aos milhares,
E os carros prosaicos e incessantes.

O mundo é semelhante em toda parte
No dia a dia nosso, pelo menos,
E eu o reconstruo em minha arte...

Mas seria uma poeta de somenos
Não fosse esta empreiteira de reformas
A manter as mesmas pedras, mesmas formas...

Agora uma tradução literal para o inglês:

The mental traveler (by Alma Welt)

I traveled the world in my mind
For many nations and in some centuries,
And when I did it much more strictly
I just confronted them with my mirrors
They were much less real and interesting
Those ancient streets and stones
In contrast to pedestrians by the thousands,
And the prosaic and incessant cars.
The world is similar everywhere
In our daily lives, at least,
And I reconstruct it in my art ...
But it would be a little poet
Were it not for this reform contractor
Keeping the same stones, the same shapes ...

Agora uma transliteração livre para o inglês , conservando rimas (embora sacrificando a métrica, e deixando de ser soneto):

The mental traveler (by Alma Welt)

I traveled the world in my mind
For many nations and in some horrors
And when I did it much more strictly I find
That I just confronted them with my mirrors
They were much less real or interesting
Those ancient streets and stones and something
In contrast to pedestrians
And the prosaic cars and no equestrians.
The world is similar everywhere
In our daily lives, at least, here and there
And I reconstruct it in my art ...
But I would be a little poet eating grapes
If it not for this reform contractor apart
Keeping the same stones, the same shapes ...

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