quinta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2020

O recado mudo (de Alma Welt)

Da varanda vi o peão se aproximar
Até uma distância de dez metros,
E eu, acostumada a ver espectros,
Contava vê-lo dissolver-se em pleno ar.

Em vez disso o seu chapéu tocou de leve
Saudando como mandam os bons costumes.
Mas se o peão se portou como se deve,
Já o cavalo liberou os seus estrumes... 

Ao ver isso sorri com certo alívio
De afinal estar diante de um ser vivo,
Conquanto impressionada com seu porte

E numa espécie de lapso perene
O peão só me mirou mudo e solene,
E ao partir eu soube que era a Morte...
Agora uma tradução literal para o inglês, para que os gringos entendam pelo menos o sentido do soneto da Alma:

The silent message (by Alma Welt)

From the balcony I saw the approach

Up to a distance of ten yards
And I, used to seeing spectra,
I expected to see it dissolves in midair.

Instead his hat touched lightly

Saluting as good manners dictate.
But if the cowboy behaved as it should,
The horse released its manure ...

Seeing this, I smiled with some relief

After all, being in front of a living being,
While impressed by its size

And in a kind of perennial lapse

The man just looked at me dumb and solemn,
And when he left I knew it was Death ...
E agora uma tentativa de transliteração livre com
rimas, embora sem métrica:

The silent message (by Alma Welt)

From the balcony I saw the approach

Up to a distance of ten yards of dispair
And I that seeing spectra use to coach
I expected to see it dissolves in midair.

Instead he touched lightly his hat

Saluting, of good manners a gesture.
But if the cowboy behaved well in fact,
The horse released its manure ...

Seeing this, I smiled with some relief to them

After all, being in front of a living being,
While impressed by what I was seeing 

And in a kind of perennial lapse, I guess,

The man just looked at me dumb and solemn,
And when he left I knew it was Death...

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