quarta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2020

Extremo Sul (de Alma Welt)

Eu vi chegar o peão cambaleando
Montado em sua sela meio troncho
Com uma mancha rubra no seu poncho
E foi logo em meus braços desabando.

Fomos ao chão: era pesado o infeliz,
E antes mesmo que a relva nos colhesse
Na pobre testa o sinal da cruz lhe fiz
E era como se já o conhecesse... 

De sua boca aproximei o meu ouvido
E suas palavras derradeiras escutei
Com um espanto que eu nunca tinha tido:

"Morro, Alma, nos teus braços, não no chão,
Pois direto para o Inferno enviei
O maldito que te nomeava em vão..."

Far South (by Alma Welt)

I saw the cowboy stagger
Mounted half crooked in his saddle
With a red spot on the poncho
And soon he was collapsing in my arms.
We went to the ground: the unfortunate was heavy,
And before the grass even caught us
On his poor forehead I made the sign of the cross
And it was as if I already knew him ..
I brought my ear close to his mouth
And his final words I heard
With a wonder I never had:
"I die, Alma, in your arms, not on the ground,
Because I sent straight to hell
The bastard who named you in vain ...

Free transliteration with rymes:

Far South (by Alma Welt)

I saw the cowboy stagger maddle
Mounted half crooked in the saddle
With a red spot on his darms
And soon he was collapsing in my arms.
We went to the ground: was heavy, the unfortunate
And before we lay down on the moss
On his poor forehead I made the sign of the cross
And it was as if I already knew him for a long date
I brought my ear close to his mouth
And his final words went to my brain
With a surprise I never had eard about:
"I die, Alma, in your arms, not on the ground,
Because I sent him straight to hell, like a mad hound,
The bastard that called you names in vain

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